Thursday, December 31, 2009





(S. S. Mahadevaiah)

General Secretary, Editor


Rural Postal Employees Family.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Revision of Norms for cash handling for work load assessment of Branch Postmasters.

GDS/CHQ/41/12/2009 Dated: 25.12.2009


Sri A.K. Sharma,

Dy.Director General (Esstt.)

Department of Posts

Dak Bhavan,

New Delhi—110001

Subject: - Revision of Norms for cash handling for work load assessment of Branch Postmasters.

Ref: - Letter no. 14-6/87-PAP dated 15.12.2009.


We feel that the revised norm of "point for every 20000/- Cash transaction in a month" is a bit to harsh and required to be given a re-look. You will kindly agree that the G.C. notes handled in a Branch Post office are comparatively of small denomination and more frequently in coins. The G.C. notes of Rs.500/- or Rs. 1000/- are not handled in the BOs. The NREGS Payments are in broken amounts and so are the old age pensions. The rural people contribute to the small savings schemes in form of small GC notes and coins. The factors make the difference between the cash handled in HOs/Sos on one hand and the same in BOs. In This connection we invite your reference to our note on the subject submitted vide letter no GDS/CHQ/41/1/2008 dated 14-11-2008 we had suggested there in giving our logic and statistics, that for every amount of Rs.5000/- of cash handling one point of work should be computed.

Secondly, before finalizing the norms, we feel, our opinion and views should have been sought so that the views of both sides should have been taken a balanced view of. In this connection, we submit that our note dated14-11-2008 referred to above may be treated as our views.

Thirdly, we submit that the amount of remittance received and made should also be treated as cash handled. The amount of remittance received has got to be counted and verified and these days when take notes are in circulation, the G.C. notes have to be minutely checked and this consumers its own share of time similarly, in case of remittances made, the G.C. notes received in transaction has go to be segregated denomination wise and the counted to make the amount of remittance made. This again has its own share of time consumed.

We, therefore, request you kindly to take these points into consider, revise the prescribed norms vide dte letter under reference and issue necessary revised equitable norms.
Yours faithfully
(S.S. Mahadevaiah)
General Secretary

Copy forward to: - All Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries and CHQ office bearers. They are requested to refer to our circular letter no GDS/CHQ/5/12009 dated 25-11-2009 in which a call for Dharna/demonstration has been given. This issue may be included there is and saveingram/fax sent to the D.G.(P) and to the CHQ.

(S.S. Mahadevaiah)

General Secretary

GDS/CHQ/41/12/2009 Dated:24.12.2009


The Director General,

Department of Posts

Dak Bhavan,

New Delhi—110001

Sub: Implementation of recommendations of R.S. Nataraja Murti

Committee—Revision of wage structure of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)

Ref: Your letter no. 6-1/2009-PEII dated 10.12.2009


We very strongly and justifiably feel that fresh assessment of work load in order to apply the new TRCA slabs of BPMs i.e. 87.5, 112.5 and 125 points will be delayed affair and the employees will supper loss till the re-assessment of work load is completed. The points of existing work load are available in every Divisional office and the new slabs may be applied based on those points and fresh assessment undertaken in due course. This will undo the delay that otherwise is sure to take place. According to the pervious verification, of course the points of work load were arrived at and the BPMS with work-load up to 75 points were placed in the first scale and the those above that up to any point were placed in scale two. Based on that assessment, the new slabs may be arrived at to avoid delay.

We, therefore, request you kindly to consider this and issue orders that the new slabs be also applied based on the existing figures pending fresh assessment of work-load.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

(S.S. Mahadevaiah)

General Secretary

Copy forward to: - All Circle Secretaries & CHQ office bearers.



Government of India

Ministry of Communications & IT

Department of Posts

(PAP Section)

Dak Bhawan,Sansad Marg,

New Delhi - 110001

Dated: 15 December 2009

All Chief Postmasters General

Postmasters General

All General Managers (Finance)/

Director of Accounts (Postal)

Sub: Revision of Norm for cash handling for work load assessment of Branch Postmaster.

I am directed to invite your kind attention to Para 2(b) of Directorate letter No.14-6/87-PAP dated 15.7.87, wherein the norms for fixation of the work load of the Branch Postmaster in Point system was communicated.

2. As per the above letter,, the norm for cash transactions was fixed as " 1 Point for every Rs.1000 cash transactions in a month".

3. The Department has undertaken a work study for fixing the norms for cash handling by the Branch Postmasters. The IWSU of the Directorate has recommended for fixing the norms for cash handling by Branch Postmasters as Rs.20000/- per month for earning one point of work load. The Competent authority in consultation with Integrated Finance Wing after careful examination, has accepted the recommendations of the internal Work Study Unit of the Department. Consequently, the existing norm for cash handling for the Branch Postmasters is revised as " 1 Point for every Rs.20000/- cash transactions in a month" in supersession of the earlier order communicated vide letter No.14-6/87-PAP dated 15.7.87.

4. The cash handled on account of Money Order issue/payment, Savings Bank/RS deposits/withdrawals, RPLI collections/Bill collection and Bill Payments will constitute the items of cash handling. The remittances received from Account Office or sent to Account Office shall be excluded while computing the cash handling.

5. The above revised norm will apply with immediate effect.

6. The Heads of the Circles will please bring the contents of this letter to the notice of all concerned and ensure scrupulous observance of the revised norm.

7. This issues in consultation with Integrated Finance Wing vide Note dated 10.9.2008.


(Surender Kumar)

Asstt. Director General (GDS/PCC)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

CHQ Circuler

No.GDS/CHQ/5/1/2009                       Dated: 21/12/2009                               To                                  


All Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries,                                                                       

All CWC Members All India Postal GDS Employees Union


Dear Comrades,


                  The year 2009 is coming to close and a new year of hope and aspirations is knocking at the door. The year 2009 has been a year of many fateful events gobally, nationally and organizationally. This is time for every one especially, the workers, employees and all wage corners, whether in organised or unorganized sector to give a serious thought to the developments. It is an irony that while the number of billionaires has gone up, the number of people going to bed with empty stomach has also increged continuously. The various reports that have come form different international institutions point out that all is not well with the "aam admi". The Gramin Dak Sevaks being at the lowest level of employees certainly find the going very tough. It does not require to be explained that with prices of food materials having gone up beyond the reach of Common man—pulses being sold at the rate of about Rs.100 per K.G. and vegitable being too hot—a balanced diet has become too big a thing.


Organisationally, we have faced a big onslaught. The orders on revised pay and allowances based on the recommendations of Nataraja Murti Committee have come after abnormal delay. We strained each nerve and left no stones unturned to secure justifiable modifications in the recommendations, based on established principles. But every attempt, every cry of justice fell on the deaf years of the powers-that-be. Probably, this was one of the rare times when we faced such a callous approach. Reasons are many and probably the members are a ware of them.


Several existing benefits—departure from linking the pay and allowances of the Gramin Dak Sevaks with those of the departmental employees and slicing down the bonus ceiling, to name a few have been snatched. The nominal trade union facilities grant of leave without allowances to the union functionaries—have been withdrawn. There is sufficient scope for improvements in the orders issued and we have been and are consistently pursuing the same but so far effective steps do not appear to have been taken.


During our struggles we had quite a few sweet and sower experiences. We do not wish to go into the details. There have been attempts to subvert our unity and solidarity.


Despite all these odds, the organization, our unity and our commitment has emerged stronger and we have been marching ahead. We must congratulate the entire membership, the circle level and lower level leaders and activists and grass—root workers who are the foundation stone of the our citadel for their unflinching courage, Commitment to the cause and confidence in the organisation. We salute you all.


Comrades, we believe and you will agree that we need to do a bit more to strengthen our selves. The following are the few, we need to take steps for, immediately.


Union Building:  An organisation like ours must have our own union building with certain facilities like rest rooms for comrades who visit Delhi, a conference room where small meetings like CWC can be held. We agree that this is a tremendous task but not impossible for us. It also can not be denied that this task can not be achieved with the funds available with us. We also agree that there must be a larger trust like body to look after the entire affairs, which we shall certainly form in the next All India Conference. It is why we had made a request in our last bulletin for a special donation. The response is very meager.


We repeat our request and call upon all our Divisional/Branch Secretaries to raise a special donation at the rate of Rs.100/- per member with list of contributing members so that we may publish the list in our union Journal.


Legal Recourse: There are certain issues like the question of status, bonus ceiling and retirement benefits on which we are called upon to take to legal recourse. We are seriously counterplating such action. We are in the process of consultation with legal expert. We propose to place the blue print in our next A.I.C.


Larger Unity: We are of considered view that in order to achieve justice for the Gramin Dak Sevaks we need support and cooperation of the entire working people and the Gramin (rural) People whom we serve. Let us strike for forging a abroad based unity not of the Postal employees only but of the working class unity at a larger landscape and there is no reason that our demands are not recognised and considered.


Quota:   The session is fast coming to a close and the quota to the CHQ is not satisfactory. We call upon all Divisional/Branch Secretaries to promptly clear the quota.


Social Security Scheme: The proposal for social security scheme for the G.D.S. employees is under consideration of the government. It, this comes through, this will be the first step—though a little step—towards grant of Pension. We shall be furnishing more details of the scheme in our next bulletin.


New Year to Come: Comrades, we look forward to the new year with hope that a better prospect, recognistion and appreciation of the Gramin Dak Sevaks will dawn with the new year. We hope that the during the new year our organisation and solidarity will scale new hight and the powers—that—be will be made to have a better appreciation of our cause.


We wish all our members in particular and all employees and workers in general a very happy bright and prosperous new year,2010. We take a resolve to serve our masters the people—will still better zeal and promptitude. our best wishes to one and all.


With very affectionate and warm greetings,


Yours fraternally,


(S.S. Mahadevaiah)
General Secretary

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Resolutions unanimously resolved in CWC of AIPEDEU held at

GDS/CHQ/1/E /2009                                                                      Dated 08-12-2009



Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy,


Department of Posts ,

Dak Bhavan,



Sub:- Resolutions unanimously resolved in CWC of AIPEDEU held at   

Jamnagar, Gujarat -reg.


This is to submit the following resolutions adopted unanimously in the C.W.C. of AIPEDEU held at Jamnagar,   Gujarat from 20-11-2009 to 21-11-09.

1. Calculation of work load:-

                Unscientific unreasonable measures to reduce grant of TRCA there by assuring proper assessment of work load/ standard. Calculation of work load / standard may be as suggested by our union to all categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks. The method of calculation existing prior to 09-10-2009 may be continued

2. idle wait:-

Owing to the peculiar nature of duties of GDS packer and GDSMC, they are kept idle for some time in the course of their routine duties. The GDS packer after attending his normal duties at the opening of the office has to wait at least half an hour to one hour for his next duty of conveyance/closing of B.O bag/bags. He has to wait at least 20 to 30 minutes at the Bus point for exchange of bags. In the similar way the GDSMC after conveying bags from BOs to SOs has to wait at least half an hour or so on an average to start his backward journey to B.Os, for such waiting there is no provision to grant idle wait while calculating their workload. This may be calculated on an average waiting time.

3. relaxation of age and percentage of marks to appear p.a examination (unfilled quota of L.G. Os exam)

The Maximum age for appearing PA/LGOs examination is 28 years for OC and 33 years for SC and ST. This age limit may be changed to 40 years for OC and 45 years for SC/ST.

All GDS employees who have passed intermediate examination or 10 + 2 Examination may be allowed to attend LGOs Examination instead of imposing equal percentage of marks secured by the last selected candidate.

4. Weightage:-

GDS must be given necessary weight-age for the length of service rendered by them. They may be given the following increments.

1 - 5 years - Nil

6 - 10Years - 1 increment

11 - 15 years: 2 increments

16 - 20 years: 3 increments

21 - 25 years: 4 increments

                The above increments will be added to the pay fixed in the scale to which the GDS are entitled.

5. Business development schemes  - work load:-

The basis of 'points' for calculation of allowance of GDS BPMs has been stipulated in the Directorate letter No. 14-6/87 PAP dated 15-07-87. Thereafter several items  of work have been incorporated to the work of branch offices i.e. sale of prasadams,  magazines, R.P.L.I and NREGS  work etc., It is therefore urged to evolve time factor for the above new items of work and the points be fixed for computation of work load of the BPMs. Similarly what ever the new items of work introduced to the BPMs, the time factor or may please be fixed at the time of its introductions.

Yours faithfully,




         General Secretary.   




GDS/CHQ/1/D /2009                                                                     Dated 08-12-2009                                                                                                          


Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy


Department of posts

Dak  Bhavan

New Delhi – 1


Sub: Grant of full trade union facilities to AIPEDEU – reg.


                We humbly submit the following resolution which is resolved unanimously in the central working committee meeting of AIPEDEU (CHQ) held from 20-11-2009 to 22-11-2009 at   Jamnagar in Gujarath.

                The provision of trade union facilities is a genuine and long pending demand. At present very limited trade union facilities are available to the chief executives of AIPEDEU. Some effective mechanism should be provided to the chief executives to carry out the function of the union.

                The CCS (RSA) rules 1993 have been issued by the department of personal & Training. The issues of EDAs (Recognition of Association) Rules 1995 were issued by the department of Posts, in department of the D.O.P. & T., In this connection it is not out of order to mention that the GDS (Conduct & Employment) Rules 2001 also have been issued by the Department of Posts. Several amendments/provisions have been carried out or added to these rules to meet the requirements of the situation by the department.

                We therefore suggest and demand that full trade union rights and Privileges i.e., grant of Foreign service under the F.R. and S.R.S. to the Chief Executive be granted.

                Your effective intervention and initiation will be of great value and for that the entire Gramin Dak Sevak will be thankful.                                                                                                                                                                                                               Yours faithfully,                                                                                                                                                                                                              (S.S.Mahadevaiah)

                                                                              General Secretary.



Saturday, November 28, 2009

CHQ Circular

No.GDS/CHQ/5/1/2009                                            Dated:26/11/2009                              


All Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries,                                                                       
All CWC Members All India Postal GDS Employees Union

Central Working Committee MEETING

           I am happy to inform you that the Central working committee of our A.I.P.E.D.E.U. met at   Shri Kunvarbai Jain Dharmshala New Jail Road Jamnagar , Gujarat on 20th to 22nd    November, 2009 under the president ship of Com. D. N. Giri Prisident CHQ.  The C.W.C. open session was held on 22-11-2009 and inaugurated by Dharmadhikari Shri Dharmabandhuji Gau Palak (Pransla) and the open session was addressed by Shri Vikrambhai Madam Hon'ble M.P. Jamnagar, Com. K. Ragavendran, Secretary General NFPE, Com. K.B. Barot Working President P-III,Com. B.M. Jadeja Circle President, GDS Union Gujarat, Com.Saradbhai Teraiya Org. Secretary P-IV CHQ, Shri Raghvjibhai Patel, Hon'ble MLA Dhral, Com. R.S. Malek Circle Secretary P-IV Gujarat, Com. S.K. Vaishnav AC/S P-III Gujarat, Com. Asha V. Joshi Circle Secretary, GDS Union Gujarat Circle, Com. G.S. Asiwal Ex C/S P –III, M.P. Circle, Com. D.P. Diwakar, and others greeted. The C.W.C. was inaugurated by Com. G.S. Asiwal Ex C/S P –III, M.P. Circle on 20-11-2009.

          The C.W.C. members who have attended the meeting debated and deliberated the issues at length.  After fruitful discussion, the C.W.C. adopted valuable resolutions on the issues confronting the GDS employees.

 Resolution on policy and programme .

           This meeting of the Central working committee of All India postal Extra Departmental Employees Union in its session held on   20th to 22nd    November, 2009 at Shri Kunvarbai Jain Dharmshala New Jail Road Jamnagar, Gujarat unanimously resolves:-

That the seriously considered the pros and cons   of the GDS committee recommendations and orders issued at present. This CWC has again come to the conclusion that it is not to the satisfaction of the GDS employees. The orders issued by the Government/Dept. of Posts, vide letter No. 6-1/2009-PEII dated 9.10.2009, require improvements/modifications forthwith.

That the suggestion of Shri.Nataraja Murti report proposing amendment to GDS rules and to deny applicability of ID Act 1947 for much exploited GDS is fatal and hence opposed vehimently. Our issues should have been examined by the 6th CPC as per Talwar Committee recommendations. Rename of GDS (Conduct and Employment) Rules 2001 as (Conduct and Engagement) is also to worsen the present status of GDS employees and hence we oppose this suggestion. Further there is no need to outsource or franchise the services of rural net work and the suggestion there of need to be scrapped.  One point for each 5000/-of cash handling would be ideal and reasonable the committee observed.                 

The CWC of AIPEDEU further discussed the very serious pending problems and following resolutions are adopted.  

(a).   Undue delay in granting Grant of Status, Pension/Social Security,     Medical, ACP, HRA,SDA, Transport Allowance and other items.  

(b).   Denial of Full Trade Union Facilities like re-constitution of Departmental ED/GDS committee, Regional JCM to GDS and grant of special leave, beyond 180 days, for     the Chief Executive of the All India Union of the AIPEDEU, which is the only recognised union for GDS as per new recognition Rules.

The CWC of AIPEDEU at Jamnagar decides to organize Divisional/State level conventions at state capitals and national level convention finally. 
The CHQ requests all Divisional Circle Secretaries to finalize and successfully implement above programme purposefully.


1.       In the month of December 2009 Divisional level convention mobilize more       members and popularize our demands and invite local prominent Trade        Union leaders and public leaders. Also handover memorandum to MPs,    MLAs and Chief Ministers.

2.       15th December 2009 Divisional level Massive Dharna before Divisional Office for Solidarity support to Extend to RMS Strike if need further programme will be announced by the CHQ.

3.       January and February 2010 State level convention. Also handover memorandum to MPs, MLAs and Chief Ministers.

4.       This metting of Central Working Committee calls upon all Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries of AIPEDEU to stage intensive demonstration/Hunger fast on 20-1-2010 at all levels and to pass a suitable resolution. The Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries to send Telegrams / Savingrams to the Hon'ble Minister for Communications & IT, Minister of State for Communications & IT expressing their strong resentment of the issue.

5.       The National level convention/conference in the Month of February/March 2010.This Central Working Committee further authorizes the General Secretary, AIPEDEU to finalize further programme of action like March to Parliament or direct action   in case the demand is not met within reasonable time.

All Branch/Divisional Secretaries should ensure active participation.  CHQ will     issue detailed circular regarding national convention etc.


v  The CWC filled up vacant post of assistant Treasurer of AIPEDE Union. The Central Working Committee unanimously elected the following Shri Narayana Chaudhary, Circle Secretary, A.I.P.E.D.E.U. (C.H.Q.) G.D.S. M.P. P.O. Gole Bazar, Bilaspur, (Chhattisgarh), as assistant Treasurer of AIPEDE Union (CHQ)

v  The CWC also authorizes the CHQ for having legal test if the situation demands for the status of the GDS employees.


v  The CWC unanimously decides that Rs 200/= should be remitted from each and every member to the CHQ for building the CHQ office and to meet the legal expenses .All Branch/Divisional Secretaries should ensure to clear dues as well as donations as already appealed by the CHQ without fail.  

Please note:

v All Circle/Divisional/Office bearers are required to ensure proper fixation of TRCA and payment of 40% arrears. Many Circles/Divisions Paid arrears before31.10.2009 still many more are to gear up and avoid further delay. Also list out problems, anomalies and Send to CHQ


With greetings,


Yours fraternally,



(S.S. Mahadevaiah)

                    General Secretary