03rd January, 2020
Press Release
General Strike on 8
January 2020 Stands: Central Trade Unions
The Central Trade Unions conveyed their firm resolve after the
meeting called by Union Labour Minister.
The Central Trade Unions were invited by the Labour Minister for
a discussion on 2nd January 2020 at New Delhi.
In the meeting, Labour Minister in his initial comments stated
that the Govt. of India has been taking all steps for the welfare of the
workers and legislations on Labour Codes are a part of that.
The constituents of united platform of trade unions viz., AITUC,
HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, SEWA, AICCTU, LPF and UTUC who were present in the meeting
strongly contradicted and protested the statement of the Minister and stated
that the entire Labour Codes are a design of imposing slavery on the workers
and it is not acceptable to the trade union movement of the country and they
will not surrender.
The United platform of Trade Unions strongly raised the issues
of ignoring of INTUC and strongly condemn the Government political move to
create selective rivalry within the Trade Unions.
The issues of Auto Sector particularly Honda Employer offensive
in Gurgaon, illegal unfair practices like suspension of leadership of
recognised trade union and not allowing thousands of contract workers on jobs
since two months were also raised before the Minister.
None of the issues which have been continuously raised by the
Central Trade Unions, including the basic issues of unemployment, minimum wages,
social security and fourteen point charter of demands were addressed by the
Minister. Doing away with all democratic practices, the government has not
called the tripartite Indian Labour Conference after 2015. The unions further
stated that against such anti labour policies of the Govt., along with other
issues, the central trade unions have decided to go in for a countrywide
General Strike on 8th January 2020 and the strike stands. The strike is going
to take place in a massive way throughout the country with the active support
of various sections of working class including the students, unemployed youth, peasantry
and patriotic masses of the country.
The central trade unions further warned that the govt. must take
the message and mend their ways and change the anti labour anti people anti
national moves and policies.