First Floor, Post Office Building,
Padamnagar, Delhi 110007
Dated 30-01-2013
All the Circle / Divisional/ Branch Secretaries of
All India Postal Extra Departmental Employees Union. All India Office Bearers
Organisational matters and struggles of Gramin Dak Sevak employees.
Dear Comrades,
At the outset the CHQ offers
sweetest and warmest greetings to all our members, and wishes a very happy and
prosperous new year. Before we go on to discuss critically the orgnisational
situation with regards to the GDS employees and the situation prevailing with
regard to postal employees we would rather have a glimpse of the national level
scenario. This will show the atmosphere in which we have to march forward inch
by inch.
Comrades, what we see in day to day developments does not present an
encouraging scene. While every attempt in being made to afford all sorts of
encouragement and concession to big business houses and corporations foreign or
domestic, nothing at all is being done towards the well being of the employees.
Privatisation is opening its urgly face and this is only to offer an occasion
to some big business house to have a hefty harvest at the cost of the national
exchequer. To bridge the deficit by selling the family silver is thought to be
the worst type of economy. Opening the doors for FDI in multi brand retail
sector and enhancing the ceiling on FDI in Insurance and Banking sector will
have its consequences. We have to work against these heavy odds and political
economy and have to strain all our energy in trying to march ahead. We have to
fight for every inch. But March forward we must and so we do. Hats off!
We salute our members
We salute our members for the iron resolve and steel unity they have
demonstrated in spite of very vile attempt by a section of leadership to
fragment our unity. What a fall! Those who had been preaching unity all through
are practicing disunity and fragmentation. But the GDS employees have dealt
suitable blow to their misadventure by remaining united and organized and those
who were running after some mirage are coming back.
We are trying to march forward with the cause of the GDS employees and
there are they who are pulling our legs. When we are on struggle, they work as
strike breakers. When we demand something which is Justified and due, they try
to defeat our cause. When we succeed, they work as morale-killers. When
difficulties are faced by us, they rejoice. Probably no true trade union leader
can descend so low.
But there is very encouraging side of the coin also. The Central unions
are striving to forge workable unity of workers to arrest the unbridled
economics of privatization and libralisation to push forward cause of the
common man and working class in particular. The General Strike on February, 20
and 21 is a mile stone in history of workers struggle. This is true
unionism. Not that they work for their supremacy and one up-manship over others
but with a sense of fraternity and unity. Will those who
are trying to wreck our organization, though in vain, take some lesson
from it and accept their blunder?
Comrades, our problems are many and the mode of solution sustained is
one suctioned struggle tempered with solid organization and unbreakable unity.
We have covered a good distance in the way of our emancipation from nacked
discrimination and subdued rights only on the strength of our unity. But still
much, much longer distance is to be covered and we must once again salute our
rank and file for coming with flying clours on this score.
We are getting curious queries asto the fate of our demands, especially
in respect of bonus ceiling and health insurance. Though some people were
rejoicing and spreading remours that our case on bonus-ceiling was rejected,
the fact, as we have already reported is otherwise. A departmental committee
was constituted to examine in depth the justification because the Nataraja
Murti Committee had ditched us by reversing the practice. The committee has
finalized its report and the case is reported to be submitted to the Secretary,
Deptt of Posts. The Secretary will submit the case again to the Finance
Ministry. Which may take some time in deciding the issue. We are looking to the
issue of health insurance for an early solution.
Comrades, here is the time that we must critically examine the gains and
losses of our strike. We concede that we had to lose some days wages. But, is
not this like the seeds that one had to sow to have a fine harvest? But this is
not all. Our achievement is that the GDS employees have been recognized as a fighting
force for the cause of the Common well being of the G.D.S. Gone are the days
when we were treated as followers and subjects. Now we have an organization of
our own which we run not at the mercy of some other people. Secondly had we not
waged this struggle the bonus issue could have been treated as a closed issue
never to be opened again. The issue still remains a live issue and seeks
solution. Our struggle shook the conscience of a large part of the political
leadership. Everybody recognized the genuineness of our cause. Might be some
technicality stood in the way or we would have already clenched the issue. But
we take collectively a vow that we shall not rest till we get what is due to
All Central Trade Unions, Independent Federations and All India Unions
have taken decision to go on two days strike i.e. 20 and 21st
February 2013 against anti workers policies of the central Government. This is
the first strike conducting two days against the policies of the central
Government after independence. We appeal all our members to participate and
conduct two days strike effectively. Charter of demands and strike notice enclosed,
All Circle/Divisional and Branch Secretaries requested make success two days
general strike.
Comrades, struggle never goes fruitless. We shall run, maybe we fall
some time but ultimately we shall win the race.
With warm and new year
greetings again.
Yours fraternally,

(S.S. Mahadevaiah)
General Secretary
CHQ HINDI CIRCULAR Dated 30-01-2013
CHQ HINDI CIRCULAR Dated 30-01-2013