Thursday, February 28, 2008

5th AIC Rewa M.P.

Holding of the All India Conference of All India Postal Extra Departmental Employees Union Election of office-bearers.

The 5th All India Conference of All India Postal Extra Departmental Employees Union was held from 24th to 26th Feb, 2008. At. Padmadhar Park, Rewa, M.P. Circle

The following office-bearers of this union were elected for the next session:-

President : Shri D.N. Giri, (Maharashtra).
Working Presidents :

: Shri M. Rajangam, (Tamil Nadu).
: Shri V. Murukan, (Kerala)
Vice Presidents : Shri B.M. Jadeja, (Gujarat).
: Shri Subhash Prasad Sahu, (Bihar).
: Shri. Mahandhra Pratap Singh, (M.P).
General Secretary : Shri S.S. Mahadevaiah, (Karnataka).
Assistant General Secretaries

: Shri Datta Ram, H.P.
: Shri Arun Kumar Tiwary, (Jharkhand).
: Shri Bejoy Gopal Sur, (West Bengal)
: Shri P. Panduranga Rao, A.P.Circle.
Treasurer : Shri Rajendra Diwakar, (Rajasthan Circle).
Asst. Treasurer : Shri Sohan Singh Saini, (Punjab).
Organising Secretaries.

: Shri Pramod Kr. Singh (U.P.)
: Shri Gana Acharya, (Assam)

Monday, February 4, 2008

(Govt. Orders)

No.17-103/2007-GDS Dated: 24th December,2007
All Heads of Postal Circles.

Subject: Review of conditions imposed on filling up of GDS posts.

Establishment Division and Planning Division of the Directorate had is issues some instructions in the years 2002/2003/2004 whereby certain conditions were imposed in making recruitment in the GDS Cadre. The references of these orders which are under review are as follows:-

(a) Letters No.40-35/Xth Plan-Planning dated 14.8.2003, 23.10.2003 and 17.2.2004.

(b) Letter No.25-3/2003-PE-I dated 1.4.2003

(c) Letter No.17-115/2001-GDS dated 21.10.2002

2. The orders issued form the Planning Division were mainly intended to identify surplus staff in the GDS cadre based on income/cost calculation and thereafter redeploy them while creating new Branch Offices. Orders issued from PE-I Section was with the intention of making a consolidated review of all Branch Offices whereby on work load calculation, manpower found surplus somewhere would be redeployed to Branch Offices where work load wise more staff was required.

3. A review of these orders has revealed that implementation of these orders has resulted in inordinate delay in filling up of vacant posts in GDS category even where they are genuinely required to be filled up. In fact, due to paucity of time, it has been impossible to simultaneously review all the BOs under a Sub-Office, because the only person to do the review is the Sub-Divisional Inspector, who has other urgent work relating to business development, investigation of fraud cases, etc. to attend to, which cannot of GDS posts which have remained unfilled as a result of these orders and it has been found that as on date around 22,212 posts are lying vacant on account of these orders. The resultant impact on services in rural areas has led to strong and repeated protests from the people's representatives etc.

4. It is, therefore, decided with the approval of the competent authority to rescind these orders issued from Planning Section and PE-I Section of the Directorate as referred to in(a) & (b) of the first para. However, the order issued vide No.17-115/2001-GDS dated 21.10.2002, which discourages engagement of substitutes for a long period and stipulates managing the work of GDS vacancies by combination of posts till such time GDS recruitment is finalized will continue to be in force, because these orders are basically intended to discourage the 9parctice of managing the posts with the help of substitutes/outsiders for a long time thereby giving them scope to the Courts for regularization.


Dy. Director General


Fist Floor, Padam Nagar Post Office Building, Delhi-110007,

No. GDS/CHQ/1/AIC/2008. Dated: 14-01-2008


Under the provisions of article 25 of the Constitution of A.I.P.E.D.E.U., notice is hereby given that the 5th All India Conference of this union will be held at Padmadhar Park, Rewa, M.P. Circle from 24th to 26th Feb, 2008. The Subjects Committee will be constituted in accordance with the provisions of article 20 (a) read with article 21 and article 22 (ii) of the constitution. All concerned are requested to attend the All India Conference which will commence at 11.00 hrs in time.

The following shall be the items of agenda:

1. Confirmation of the proceedings of the last A.I.C. held at Pushkar.
2. Consideration and adoption of Bi-ennial Report.
3. Consideration and adoption of Audited Accounts. .
4. Adoption of Budget Estimates for the next session.
5. Organisational review:-
(a) Organisational position and functioning – expulsion of AIPEDEU from NFPE, acceptance by NFPE of all humiliating and binding Provisions of Govt., efforts to get recognition without AIPEDEU, attempts to misled gds employees by showing sympathy- Consideration of the issue and suitable decision.
(b) Next membership verification in March/April 2008.- efforts made and required to be made for furtherance of membership in future.
(c) Remittance of quota to higher bodies by Divisional/Branch Unions
6 Review of agitational programmes-participation in such programmes:-
(a). Programmes of JCA/Confederation./14th December, 2006, 30th Oct, and 2007deferment of Indefinite Strike From 24th April, 2007 and its effects.
(b) Programme of CHQ: National Convention on 23rd May 2006 and Parliament March on 22nd August, 2007.e.c.t
(c) Local programmes if any.
7. Pay Commission/ GDS Committee:-
(a) Implementation of the recommendations of Justice Talwar Committee – Government’s attitude and our efforts- Review of. Demands of status and pension - Social security schemes -our views and decision
(b) Memorandum/Suggestion to 6th CPC and GDS Committee- Simultaneous implementation of GDS Committee and 6th CPC and decision on this score.
8. Attacks on Postal services and GDS employees.
(a) IPO Act Amendment Bill.
(b) Redeployment and its effects/ Abolition of Gramin Dak Sevaks stamp venders & GDS Messengers.
(c) Problems relating to HRA/CCA deputation of G.D.S. employees as Postman/Group ‘D’.
(e) Promotional problems: Promotion to Group ‘D’, Postman and PAS/SAS case.
(f) Panchayat Sanchar Seva Yojna/scheme of Franchising – effects and necessary to counter the devastating scheme.
9. 11th Five Year plan proposal Computerization of GDS Brach Office .etc,.
10. Supreme Court Judgment on Gratuity to Gramin Dak Sevaks implementation and further action as required.
11. Union building – Steps required therefor.
12. Grant Trade Union Facilities to GDS Union.
13. Amendment to the constitution notice of which is received by CHQ at least 15 days in advance of the A.I.C.
14. Policy and programme.
15. Election of office-bearers for the next session.
16. Appointment of Auditor.
17. Any other matter with the permission of the chair.

General Secretary

Copy forwarded to:

(1) Com D. N. Giri, All India President, BPM At Sivani Rasalpur S.O.Nandgaon, Dist. Amravati Maharashtra Circle.
(2) All Circle /Divisional / Branch Secretaries. They will please ensure that all Circle/ Divisional/Branch Conferences which have become due are completed before the A.I.C.
(3) All office-bearers of the C.H.Q.
(4) Director General, Department of Posts, New Delhi-1. He is requested kindly to issue orders for grant of Special Casual Leave/Special paid leave to the delegates to attend the All India Conference.
(5) Secretary, Reception Committee at Bhopal M.P. Circle. He is requested kindly to send the details of transport routes and other matters direct to the Circle/Divisional/Branch unions. A copy of mailing list All Circle /Divisional / Branch unions and All India office bearers is enclosed.
(6) Spare.

General Secretary