Hindupur Divisional Conference (A.P Circle)
The AIGDSU Hindupur
Divisional Conference was held at Puttaparthy on 25-06-2017. The conference was
held under the presidentship of Hunumantha Rayudu, President Hindupur Division.
In this conference Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary, Com. B.V. Rao, AGS
and Circle Secretary A.P. Circle, Com. D. Raghu Babu, Circle President A.P.
Circle, Com. Rudresh, Circle Secretary, Karnataka Circle AIGDSU, Com. Marreddy,
Asst. Circle Secretary, A.P Circle, Com. Sriniwas Goud, Asst. Circle Secretary
Telangana, Com. Prabhakar Reddy, Asst. Circle Secretary, Com. Sivarama Reddy,
Divisional Secretary Tirupati Division, Com. Krishana Yadav, Vice President,
Circle Union, Com. Lala Vazir, General Secretary, P-3 (united), Com. Laxmikant,
Divisional Secretary Kurnool Division, Com. Aarogyappa, Divisional Secretary
Guntakal, Com. Sriram Nayak, Divisional Secretary Hindupur Division and other
leaders attended and addressed the conference.
More than 500 GDS
employees attended the conference. The reception committee under the leadership
of Com. Sriram Nayak and his team made excellent arrangement. CHQ congratulate