Karnataka Circle confrence
The 8th Circle confrence of A.I.G.D.S.U. Kar
The 8th Circle confrence of A.I.G.D.S.U. Kar
nataka Circle was held at Kiwara Kolar DN. from 5th to 6th April,2014 under the president ship of Com.K. Praladha Rao. Circle presdent. AIGDSU. The Confrence was inugurated by SS Mahadevaiah General Secretry AIG
DSU, also as Chife Guest Shri Ramanujam, CPMG, Karnataka Circle. Shri. M.S. Jayram. Chief of the Kaiwara math, Com. SS Majunath, RJCM Leader, Com. B.V. Rao AGS & Cicle Secretary A.P. Circle, P.Sesha Murthi Circle Presdint A.P. Circle, com. K.C. Anappa. Circle Secretary. Com. P. Malikarjuna , Circle Secretary, P- 4. Com. Hauthi. Ex ACS Ktk. P-3. Com. Desai ACS P-3. Com. Puttanarasimha Murthi, Com. Sriramappa. Ex. DS. Kolara Dn. Com. TC Andha Chairman Reseption Comittiee. and other local Ledars attended and addressed the Confference. More than 1500. Postal emplyees attend the Confference..G.D.S.U KARNATAKA AND J&K CIRCLES CONFERENCES