Successful Odisha Circle Conferenc
Circle conference of A.I.P.E.D.E.U, Odisha. Circle was held at Bagla dharmasala Puri,
Odisha Circle, on 16th
2012 under the Presidentship
of Com. P.R. Das, Circle
President. Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary,
AIPEDEU along with Com.
D.N.Giri, All
India President &Circle Secretary Maharashtra Circle, Com. Naryana
AGS & Circle Secretary, CGG Circle, Com. M.V. Maheswara Rao, Circle
Secretary, Odisha, Com. Ananda
Pattnaik, EX. Circle Secretary, P-4,
Odisha Circle,
Com. Gurdwan Astt. Circle
Secretary, Chhattisgarh Circle, Com.J.N
Bohidar, Circle vic.
President, Odisha Circle, Com. Bhashker Bhaera, Com. Thrilochna Panda
and other
attended and addressed the Circle conference. Gneeral Secretary Com.
effectively and elaborately analyses the development took place after
the 7th All India
conference. Well responses come from the house.
Reception committee Puri, GDS Comrades Com. Thrilochan Panda
Ex-Divisional Secretary GDS and all other comrades made excellent arrangement
with Delicious food.
We proudly Say that all
most all Division and Branches are with A.I.P.E.D.E.U in Odisha. Circle. The
election was unanimously held. Com. P.R. Das, Com. Trilochana Panda and Com. N.
Panda, were elected has President, Circle Secretary and Treasurer respectively.