Central Working Committee MEETING
The Central working committee of our A.I.P.E.D.E.U. met at Shri Kunvarbai Jain Dharmshala New Jail Road Jamnagar, Gujarat on 20th to 22nd November, 2009 under the president ship of Com. D. N. Giri Prisident CHQ. The C.W.C. open session was held on 22-11-2009 and inaugurated by Dharmadhikari Shri Dharmabandhuji Gau Palak (Pransla) and the open session was addressed by Shri Vikrambhai Madam Hon'ble M.P. Jamnagar, Com. K. Ragavendran, Secretary General NFPE, Com. K.B. Barot Working President P-III,Com. B.M. Jadeja Circle President, GDS Union Gujarat, Com.Saradbhai Teraiya Org. Secretary P-IV CHQ, Shri Raghvjibhai Patel, Hon'ble MLA Dhral, Com. R.S. Malek Circle Secretary P-IV Gujarat, Com. S.K. Vaishnav AC/S P-III Gujarat, Com. Asha V. Joshi Circle Secretary GDS Union Gujarat Circle, Com. G.S. Asiwal Ex C/S P –III, M.P. Circle, Com. D.P. Diwakar, and others greeted. The C.W.C. was inaugurated by Com. G.S. Asiwal Ex C/S P –III, M.P. Circle on 20-11-2009,
The C.W.C. members who have attended the meeting debated and deliberated the issues at length. After fruitful discussion, the C.W.C. adopted valuable resolutions on the issues confronting the GDS employees.