GDS/CHQ/44/1/2011 Dated: 14.01.2011
Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110001.
Subject:- Misguidance regarding paid leave by the ASP/IP in some Circle.
It is known to the CHQ, in some Circles ASP/IP encouraged the GDS officials to engage leave substitute on paper only. The GDS official who is on leave himself is working in his post. Paid leave is granted by the ASP/IP to binemi. The paid leave amount has to be utilized for procuring the RPLI dummy polices under the guidance of ASP/IP.
It is requested to stop this type of practice and suitable instruction may be circulated to all circles.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
GDS/CHQ/42/1/2011 Dated: 14.01.2011
Shri P.K. Gopinath,
Member (P),
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110001
Subject:- Non payment of salary of paid substitutes on Sundays and holidays and demand Pay to Revised minimum Scale.
GDS officials are being engaged as paid substitutes in short/long term leave vacancies of postman and group-'D'.
As per the Director order No. 14-25/2008-PAP dated 11.02.2008 & No. 1-20/2008-PCC dated 27.03.2008 the paid substitutes are entitled to revised min. Scale recommended by VI CPC. In Andhra Pradesh pre-revised min scale is being paid to the paid substitutes who working in short long term leave vacancies of postman and group-'D'. They may be paid revised min. Scale recommended by the VI CPC.
The GDS officials are being engaged by Department to work as paid substitutes in long term vacancies of postmen and group-'D' months together. They are denied to pay salary on Sundays and holidays. Naturally it is injustice to deny the payment of salary on Sundays and holidays as they are working continuously without break in the month.
You are humbly requested to consider this issue positively and issue suitable instruction.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
GDS/CHQ/46/1/2011 Dated: 14.01.2011
Shri S.K. Sinha,
Chief General Manager,
PLI Directorate,
Chanakyapuri P.O. Complex,
New Delhi-1100021
Subject:- Fixing RPLI targets-reg.
The CHQ came to know that most of the GDS officials also doing take/dummy polices to avoid continuous pressure of ASP/IP in Branches and Divisions in all Circles to reach targets fixed by the higher authorities. As for our observation most of the funds allted to pay RPLI incentive to GDS officials are not claimed. Even the regional Directors informed again and again the GDS officials are not sending the incentive bills. Most of the GDS,BPMs are not entitled to incentive even they procure more than hundred policies as the policies procured by them are not genuine. This is due to the Pressure of ground leave offices as they are to be reported some figure to the higher officials to fulfill the target fixed to his Division Sub-Division. Instead of fixing the targets which puts the prossure on GDS officials as well as ASP/IP. This CHQ opins that villagers should be educated and motivated towards RPLI.
Hence we humbly requested not to fix targets which leads to the Fake/dummy business.
At present RPLI Melas are being conducted one or twice in some areas five or six times in a month for GDS,BPMs. GDS,BPMs have already learnt about RPLI terms and conditions etc. They are not being paid minimum T.A to attend Melas. There is a chance to develop negative attitude in the BPMs asking then again and again to attend Melas without paying any T.A and D.A. We felt that Melas should conducted with public instead of with BPMs.
We suggest that time factor may be fixed for RPLI work and liberelised the norms fixed to the point system to the BPMs.
General Secretary
All India Postal Extra Departmental Employees Union