Veteran CPI leader A.B. Bardhan passes away. January 2, 2016.

Veteran Communist Party of India leader A.B. Bardhan, 92, passed away on Saturday evening after a long illness. Mr. Bardhan, former general secretary of the CPI, was admitted to the G.B. Pant Hospital here on December 7, after he suffered a stroke.
Nistula Hebbar reports:
Bardhan strove for Left unity
Veteran Communist Party of India (CPI) leader A.B. Bardhan, who passed away here on Saturday, held the post of general secretary for over a record number of years from 1996 to 2012.
Mr. Bardhan took part in the freedom movement as a member of the All India Students Federation and later associated himself with the trade union movement out of Nagpur, going on to become general secretary of the All India Trade Union Congress. He won an election just once, to the Maharashtra Assembly, in 1957 as an Independent. After losing several elections, he moved to Delhi in the 1990s and got involved in national politics. When the United Front (UF) government took over in 1996 and late CPI leader Indrajit Gupta became Home Minister, he resigned as CPI general secretary and paved the way for Mr. Bardhan. Made great work to working class since independence from various levels. AIGDSU CHQ convey deep condolence to this great leader.