Thursday, May 2, 2019

Editoral Rural Postal Employees


The toiling Dak Sevaks, erstwhile GDSMDs in particular ate the most neglected lot in the Kamalesh Chandra Committee. It is also due to incorrect fixation formula adopted to revise their pay as on 1.1.2016 . when the postmen are reccognised as Group C and on higher scale above MTS how the GDSMD shall be pushed down to the lower scale of GDSMDP? There's no rationale in the s recommendation. 

 A Dak Sevak of an urban/metro city performs delivery work more than a regular postman. In reality hard and challenging  duties of urbanised rural areas are manned by this neglected lot.

Even the Committee could not assess the quantum of delivery work undertaken by the MDs as whole. Hence this issue needs immediate review to and the injustice meted out to this section.

on transfers also grave injustice is done to may aspirants as the recommendation of the committee wasn't implemented. Instead impracticable order has been issued for their utter inconveniences. Searching the already enjoyed welfare facility is anti Labour and bad in law. The hurdles in getting transfer of a place of a place of convenience are to be removed forth with as the order implemented is more harmful than the assured protection given.

The GDS community is facing lot o humiliation, discrimination and insults in all respects even though they are the back bone of the postal network. They're yet to be treated as humans let alone assuring equal treatment under the Constitutional provisions. It's our duty to resist all such negatives and command justice by our determination and future struggles.