AIGDSU SATARA DN, Conference at satara was held on 14-02-2016, All INDIA GENERAL SECRETARY SS MAHADEVAIAH. Com. P. T. Barge jee com. Jaswal Circle Secretary Com. R.J. Chavan Divisional secn Com. Jaywantv Shirke Dn President Satara. Com. Sagewekar. Maharastra Circle President. Com. Vibuthi DS P-3, Satara Dn. Com. R.S. Kelgia. Vic. President Com. Kumbhar. Ds. P-4, Com. Rajkumar Atkare, Dn. Sec. Solapur, Com. Gudswker Dn. Sec. Amarvathi Dn. and others leaders attended the conference