Monday, April 13, 2015

Letter reg- Non filling of GDS vacancies other than BPMs and unscientific norms for compassionate appointments-Reg.

(Central Head Quarter)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007
President:                       M. Rajangam
General Secretary           S.S. Mahadevaiah
Letter No. GDS/72 /01/2015 Dated: 09/04/2015


Shri D.K.S. Chowan,
Chief Post Master General,
Rajasthan Circle,

Subject:- Non filling of GDS vacancies other than BPMs    and  unscientific norms for compassionate appointments-Reg. 


        This union learnt that the Department of posts appointed a committee under your Chairmanship to examine the issues cited in the subject.

We submitted that GDS vacancies other than BPM kept unfilled in so many Circles. The Department is ordering combination of duties when the GDS post fall vacant. The GDS BPMs are attending the duty of GDS MD under combination of duty in addition to his regular BPM work. Sometimes he has to attend GDS MD and GDS MC duties also.

You are aware that sir there are nearly 2.4 Gram panchayats in our country and each Gram panchayat is having more than five villages averagely. But there are One Lakh Thirty Thousand Branch offices exist at present in the Department of post to serve the rural people in Six Lakh Villeges. More over the distance between one village and other is minimum ten kilometers. Under these circumstances it is too difficult the BPMs to attend the work of two or three posts under combination of duties. Hence this union is requesting to suggest the Department to fill all the unfilled vacancies of GDS other than BPMs. GDS MC and packers has to travel more than 60 K.M. for conveyance of the Mail Bag.

Regarding the compassionate appointments the Department of posts adopted most unscientific and unreasonable methods to grant merit points for deserving cases. This union is suggesting that the terms “hard and deserving cases” would mean cases over and above 50 merit points may be modified as the terms “hard and deserving cases” would mean cases over and above 35 merit points. It is a scope to relief in some cases.

This union extended heartfelt thanks for your favourable orders issued in the month of Jan, 2014 for GDS officials. We hope a favourable and positive recommendations regarding the above two issues.

        With regards
 Yours faithfully,