General body meeting of AIPEDEU Secunderabad Division, Andhra Pradesh was held
16-02-2013 at Secunderabad HO under the presidentship of Com.
P.V. Lakshmi Narayana divisional president at 7-00 P.M. to 11-00 P.M. Two
Hundred comrades from nook and corner of the division attended the meeting.
Though there was heavy rain, all the members are stayed in the meeting with
dedication and determination up to 11-00 P.M. Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, General
Secretary, Com. B.V. Rao, Asst. General Secretary and Circle Secretary attended
and addressed the meeting. Com. B.N. Singh, Ex- Circle Secretary P-3, Com. M.
Namender Goud, Circle Secretary, AIPRCCP & MMCWU, Com. K. Anjireddy, Circle
Treasurer, AIPEDEU, Com. V. Yadaiah, Circle Org. Secretary, Com. Md.
Sirajuddin, P-3 Leader, Com. Pasha Ex- Circle Secretary P-4, and other leaders
addressed the meeting, Com. Masood Hussain, Divisional
Secunderbad Division, Com. P.V. Lakshmi Narayana, Divisional president and
their team made
arrangements. CHQ congratulates one and all for successful conduction of the
Kamareddy Branch, Nizamabad division Andhra Pradesh was held on
17-02-2013 at Kamareddy Head Post Office under the presidentship of Com. A.
Sailoo Branch President. Two hundread members attended the conference. All the
members remained in the conference from 11-00 A.M. to 6-00 P.M. Making the
conference success. Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah General Secreatry hoisted the AIPEDEU
flag. Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary, Com. B.V. Rao, Asst. General
Secretary and circle secretary attended as chief guests. Com. M. Namendergoud,
Circle Secretary, AIPR CCP & MMCWC, Gangaram Goud P-3 President, Com.
Krishna Mohan P-3 Secretary, Md. Iqbal Moinuddin Division Secretary, Nizamabad
Com. G.
Rajender, Post master, Kamareddy H.O., A.D. Narasareddy Branch Secretary
addressed the meeting.