Saturday, January 5, 2013


Bihar Circle Conference- Colorful and Glorious.

Bihar Circle Conference- Colorful and Glorious.

The Bihar circle conference of AIPEDEU was held at Patna from 22 to 24 December 2012. Com. S.S.Mahadevaiah Gen. Sec. inaugurated the conference. Com. D.N. Giri all India president, Com. Sahu working president CHQ, Com. U.K. Tiwari circle sec. P-3, Com. RAP Singh EX- Gen. SEC. P-3, Com. Upadhyay Circle Sec. P-4, Com. Ajay Singh, CHQ office bearer Jharkhand,  Com. Sharma circle Sec. Postal account, Com. Dilip Pandey  ACS U.P. and other leaders attended and addressed the conference. Conference was held under the president ship of Com. Arjun Sharma Circle President AIPEDEU.

The Reception Committee & Divisional Secretary AIPEDEU & Balram Pandey and their team made good arrangement. Elections were also held unanimously. List of office bearer was published elsewhere in this issue.

Convention at Jaipur AIPEDEU.

Jaipur  Muffcial Division GDS union Convention was held on 25th December 2012. Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah Gen. Sec. along with Com. Rajiv Diwakar, Com. Maheshwari,  Circle Secretary,Com. Malleyswami Off. Circle Sec., Com. Hari Diwakar Circle Sec. P-3, Com. B.M. Sunda Circle Sec. R-3, Com. P.L. Meena Divisional Sec. P-4, Com. B.L. Gowtam EX- Circle Sec. P-4, Com. Changani, AITUC leader, Shri. Ranju Ramavat Rajasthan power union, Com. Mohan Lal ji, The Director Postal Services Rajasthan, other officers and local leaders attended and addressed the convention.

All the Circle AIPEDEU office bearers and all Divisional Secretaries attended the convention. More than 1000 GDS & Postal employees attended the convention. Com. Malley Swami and his team made good arrangement for a successful Convention.