The 8TH Circle conference of AIPEDEU, Maraashtra Circle has been held from 2nd November, 2012 to 4th
November, 2012 at Balakrishna Klyanamantappa Dule under the President
of Com. Sangvekar, Circle President , AIPEDEU Maharashtra Circle;
D.N.Giri, All India President and Circle Secretary, Com. S.S.
Mahadevaiah elaborately discussed the situations after the indefinite
strike and explained at length events occurred during the 7 days
glorious indefinite strike. Com. B.J. Tamankar, former president
NFPE.Com. P.T.Barge ex-president P-3 Com. M.L.Parimal, ex-president
P-3, Maharashtra, Com. G.L. Rawat, ACS P-3,Com. K.G. Patil, Div. Sec.,
P-3 Raigarh div., Sri. Subash Ravji Deore, President jilla panchayat,
vikram Rajeev Padvi, Subashji Eknath Deore, Madhukar Rajivji Deore and
other local leader attended and addressed the conference.
reception committee P-3,P-4 and AIPEDEU Dule team under the leadership
of Com. Haile, Com. Badane, Com. Pawar and their team made excellent
arrangement for bording and lodging for delegates and visitors. More
than 700 postal employees attended the conference.