U.P. Circle Conference— A Thundering success.
U.P. Circle Conference— A Thundering success.
Circle conference of A.I.P.E.D.E.U, U.P. Circle was held from 08-09-2012
to 09-09-2012 at Amethi (Sultanpur Division) under the Presidentship of Gowri
Shankar, Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary, AIPEDEU along with Com.
Mahender Partap Singh, Circle Secretary M.P. Circle & CHQ Vice President,
Com. Lakhwinder Pal Singh, Circle Secretary, Punjab Circle & CHQ Vice
President, Com. Rambir Singh, Circle Secretary, Delhi Circle, Com. Kuldeep
Singh Lohian, Kapurthala Division, Punjab Circle, Com. C.B. Tiwari, Circle Secretary,
U.P. Circle, Com. S.P. Yadav, Sultanpur Dn. P-III, addressed the Circle
conference. Gneeral Secretary Com. Mahadevaiah effectively and elaborately
analyses the development took place after the 7th All India
In the open session Sh. Deepak Singh, General Secretary, Youth Congress,
U.P. State, Sh. Prem Naryan, Amethi
Distt. Congress President, Sh. Chander Kant Trivedi on the Behalf of Sh. Rahul
Gandhi, M.P. Amethi attended and addressed the conference. In the conference 29
Division were present left the only 2 Division. In this conference more than
600 (Six Hundred) Gramin Dak Sevaks and postal employees participate the
Reception committee P-III Divisional Secretary, Sh. S.P. Yadav, Com. C.B.
Tiwari, Com. Pathak, Com. Mishra, Com. Srivastiva, Ex-Divisional Secretary GDS
and all other comrades made excellent arrangement with Delicious food.
We proudly Say that all most all Division and Branches are with
A.I.P.E.D.E.U in U.P. Circle. The election was unanimously held. Com. Rakesh
Yadav, Com. C.B. Tiwari and Com. N.D. Tiwari were elected has President, Circle
Secretary and Treasurer respectively.